Roz Macaskill
Highlight of the year

I spent three months with The&Partnership working on their NatWest Group accounts. I got to work on two amazing window displays for Coutts bank in The Strand - one to celebrate Black History Month and one to raise awareness for homelessness during Christmas time.

Roz Macaskill
on YunoJuno
Member since

I’m Roz, freelance copywriter, banisher of lorem ipsum, wielder of fountain pens, tea-drinker, over-thinker, owner of several thousand books. Remember that scene in Sherlock where Sherlock doesn’t notice John’s left because he’s so wrapped up in the case? That’s me. When I’m writing, I disappear into a world that’s full of ideas and concepts. It’s when I’m at my happiest. That’s why I started my own copywriting business. I specialise in helping digital marketing agencies create copy that gets results for their clients. I’ve been lucky enough to work with agencies who asked me to write for Shell, Samsung, Specsavers, SSE, Microsoft, Lexus, Toyota, BT, Virgin Red, Unilever, NatWest and Coutts. I still have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. Ouch. Nope, definitely awake. You can find me working remotely from my desk in Scotland, probably listening to Taylor Swift and/or removing cats from the vicinity of my keyboard. When I’m not tapping away at my keyboard or scribbling down notes, I’ll be playing badminton, running or getting lost in a good book.

Previously hired by
Wunderman Thompson
The Gate
on YunoJuno